江蘇省金陽光出國服務中心有限公司蘇州分公司是經教育部、公安部和國家工商行政管理局聯合授權批準從事自費出國留學服務(教外綜資認字2005-366號)及因私出入境服務(蘇公境準字2002-0019號)的專業機構;是江蘇省首批獲得國家公安部出入境資質認定的咨詢機構,并獲國家教育部核準予以出國留學中介服務機構資格,成為全省僅8家擁有上述公安部和教育部同時核準的移民留學雙重經營資格的專業境外咨詢公司,可為您設計和提供留學移民及探親訪友等一條龍服務。 2009年,金陽光憑借卓越的業績和良好的口碑,被評為“全國留學行業常務理事單位”;2010年,本中心正式通過“ISO9001國際質量管理體系認證”,成為省內第一家通過國際認證的出國服務機構。
Jiangsu Golden Sunshine Overseas Affairs Service Center Co.Ltd (“Golden Sunshine” hereinafter) is a professional agent jointly authorized and approved by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Security and State Administration of Industry and Commerce, specializing in providing services for self-sponsored overseas study (J. W. Z. Z. R. Zi. No. 2005-366) and for entry and exit for their private purposes (S. G. J. Z. Zi. No.2002-0019). It is a consultative agent, which initially receives entry and exit qualification certification from the Ministry of Public Security and is authorized and granted the qualification of overseas affairs intermediary service agent by the Ministry of Education, ranking among the eight professional consultative companies in Jiangsu Province that possess double qualifications of migration and overseas study service that are jointly authorized by the above-mentioned Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Public Security. The company provides a series of services on overseas study and migration, relatives and friends visiting and so on. Due to its outstanding achievements and excellent reputation, “Golden Sunshine” was granted “The Standing Director in National Overseas Study Service Industry” in 2009; and officially got the certification of “ISO9001” International Quality And Management System and became the first overseas affairs service agent certified by the international organization in Jiangsu Province.